3 Things That Can Happen After Successful Lower Ber

3 Things That Can Happen After Successful Lower Ber
After trying hard to maintain your diet and exercise routine, eventually your efforts to lose weight successfully achieved. Various attempts to lose weight you do, it makes the body healthier and more physically fit. However, bahagiakah you?
If the answer is "not very happy," do not worry, you are not alone. In fact, weight loss can indeed have an effect on your emotions, both positive and negative.
"I think, managed to lose weight would make my life a little easier. It was fun, but the emotional challenges more than I imagined, "said Esther, one of the participants diet of Los Angeles. Here are some things to consider after you successfully lose weight:

1. You may still think your body is overweight.
This issue occurs because you only focus on the physical, emotional without thinking changes. Obviously this will require substantial time to stabilize emotions and leave the shadows "are still fat". "The recovery of emotion is this last aspect in this transformation" said Ed Abrahmson, Ph.D., author of Emotional Eating.
Just like someone who feels tingling, tingling or even pain will be spread on the feet or hands. So also with those who have always felt overweight, without knowing there will be a sense that continue to "spread" to reduce parts - other body parts.
Which must be done:
Prioritize on what makes weight gain, such as self distrust or stress. Test your patience in the face of such a situation, if the need to consult a therapist.

2.Kurangnya emotional preparation can re-raise the weight
Eating with emotional is the biggest factor causing weight gain in unhealthy ways. This way of eating will gain weight again easily. If you lose weight with a strict diet and not to lead a healthy lifestyle, emotional eating will easily happen to you.
A strict diet, such as eating calories or carbohydrates are too few. It will slow down your metabolism and will easily raise the weight.
Which must be done:
To avoid weight gain is unhealthy, specify the schedule rutinlah eat healthy and eat healthy foods. Learn healthy ways to channel negative emotions, such as a walk or sharing stories with relatives you trust or even to a therapist.

You may change 3.Hubungan
When you're through the process of change, the possibility of the environment around you respond in a different way. Some are receiving, there is also no. Most people who feel uncomfortable with weight or appearance, tend to be close to someone who feels similarly.
Which must be done:
The proper way is to stay away from people who had a negative impact and they are always criticized. If for weight loss affect the relationship with the people around, try to find a way out with an open mind. When the relationship with yourself is improving, usually also will affect the surrounding environment. (Muthia Zulfa)

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